Conditions for publication in the journal Modern Science - Moderní věda
On this page you will find the basic conditions for the publication of professional articles or advertisements in the magazine "Moderní Science - Moderní věda" published by NEMOROS s.r.o. under registration MK CR E 21453, printed version: ISSN: 2336-498X, On-line version. ISSN: 3029-6609
Modern Science - Moderní věda
International Scientific Journal
"Modern Science - Moderní věda" is a Czech international scientific periodical published by Nemoros Group (Prague, Czech Republic). "Modern Science" is published in English. The publication is published regularly 4 times a year and contains scientific research and articles by scientists from Central and Eastern Europe. The publication is distributed free of charge to all libraries, universities and cooperating institutions. The journal is registered in the Czech Republic (MK ČR E 21453), is included in the catalog of the International Center for Periodicals (Paris, France) ISSN 2336-498X and is also included in the catalog of the East European Center for Basic Research (EECFR). The publication is part of international catalogs and scientometric databases: Google Scholar, Index Copernicus. All articles are registered in the DOI system and independently searchable in digital networks.
You can find more information about the journal "Moderní Science - Moderní věda" on the main page of the EECFR , or under the links listed on the page below.
Publish your work with us
"Modern Science" is an international scientific periodical which, in accordance with modern requirements, publishes the results of scientific research by scientists, postgraduate students and candidates for academic degrees. We follow COPE rules throughout the process.
Concept requirements for scientific articles:
Indentation on all pages - 2.0 cm, paragraph indentation - 1.0 cm, font - Times New Roman, line spacing - 1. First the title of the scientific work (in the middle of the page, size - 16, bold) in English, below the space - the name and surname of the author (authors), place of work, scientific title, academic title (in the middle of the page, size - 14, italics), at the bottom of the interval - annotation and keywords in English (up to 5 lines, size - 12), at the bottom of spaces - text (size - 14). References are submitted in English in accordance with Scopus requirements. Articles are accepted for review in English only.
Materials are sent in the Word editor with the *.doc extension. Figures, graphs, formulas and tables should be submitted only if they reflect the results of scientific research and contain scientific innovations. The article should emphasize the empirical (substantive) part of the research, new scientifically based results, their specific theoretical and practical significance, information on testing. Materials should be sent in electronic form.
Conditions for acceptance of the article:
1. The article should be written on a current topic in the current conditions of the development of society.
The content of the article should correspond to its title and should also contain the results of applied research and an explanation of the obtained scientific results.
2. The main text of the article must contain all the main elements, namely: title of the article, information about the authors, abstract, keywords, introduction, literature review, purpose and objectives of this study, methods used, research, main body of the article with research results, conclusions and a list of references.
3. All articles undergo an independent closed review (three reviewers), after which the articles are returned to the authors a maximum of 3 times for revision with possible comments. After that, all articles must undergo a mandatory review of the text of the article for plagiarism. The editorial office follows the principles and rules of COPE.
Procedure for review of scientific articles:
Each article is reviewed (3 reviewers). Special attention is paid to conclusions and new findings. After that, the articles go to proofreading and layout. It is necessary to provide a scientific work carried out in accordance with the established requirements, an application issued in any form (with an indication that the submitted scientific work has not been published anywhere before and the author agrees to its publication). Editors independently organize editing and, if necessary, make literary corrections. In case of negative reviews, the article is returned to the author for revision. The author is allowed 3 times to correct the criticisms of the reviewer, or to make global changes to the article and resubmit the article, before the article is rejected. In case of a positive decision by the editorial board (based on 3 positive reviews), the article is published in the next issue of the magazine.
When selecting articles for publication, the editorial board pays special attention to the compliance of the article with the subject of the subsection of the journal, the established requirements for the structure of the article, the correspondence of its content with the title of the article.
Special attention is also paid to the ethical standards of the researched objects and the absence of plagiarism in the article, correct references to quotations and used ideas of other authors. We follow the COPE rules when evaluating articles. You can find more on the Ethics page.
Advertising offer
In the magazine, we offer any advertisers the opportunity to present their work, products or services. Advertising is governed by the rules and pricing conditions below:
We offer advertising space in the magazine for 1/2 page or one full page. If you are interested in a larger space, contact our editors to negotiate special conditions.
The editors reserve the right to assess the advertisement and refuse to print it if such advertisement violates the rules of decency or is otherwise directed hatefully against an individual or groups of people. The editors also have the right to reject advertising defaming the scientific community or its work.
The editors are not responsible for the content and truthfulness of the advertisement. In case of invalidity or untruthfulness of the advertisement, the advertiser bears full responsibility for any damage caused.
The advertisement can be delivered by the advertiser in a ready-made graphic form corresponding to the size of the page, or in a text editor with additional images, when our editors only perform basic editing for printing.
Payment for advertising must be made before it is sent to print, i.e. before the issue closes. Otherwise, it will not be sent to print. The price for the provided advertisement is given for one advertisement in one issue of the magazine.
CZK 6,000 - CZK 7,500 - Publication of a scientific article in the range of 8-12 pages
CZK 1,000 - 1/2 page printing of the advertisement
CZK 1,800 - Printing of 1 page advertisement